Many people have probably told you to quit smoking. When deciding to give up nicotine, you should also be aware that there are some quit smoking side effects that you will have to deal with. Now, they are not as scary as you might first think, but you should be aware of them, in order to be prepared and deal with the them right way.
Why should you give up smoking in the first place? The risk of lung cancer also decreases significantly. While it never goes to zero (and for that matter, the risk of a lung cancer is never zero even someone who has never smoked), it steadily decreases when a person stops smoking. 10 to 15 years after they quit, the risk isn't much higher than it would've been if they hadn't smoked.
There are many ways of quitting smoking, cold turkey being one of the most common. This means that you decide to give up at a certain time on a specific day. From that time onwards, you don't have another smoke again. Some people have the will power to do this themselves. Others need the help and assistance from a quit line or counseling service. It doesn't matter how you do it, what is important is that you stop.
If you've been a smoker for many years, you can still benefit from quitting smoking. The thing is, giving up nicotine is in fact giving up a drug; therefore, there will be a withdrawal period, and the things you will experience in this period can well be referred to as quit smoking side effects.
Don't give up if you are not successful the first time you quit. Keep trying again and again until you have become a non smoker. You have far too much to gain by not indulging in this habit. If it helps, avoid the social occasions you associate with having a smoke for a while. If you associate a cigarette with a drink, then temporarily give up alcohol as well. - 30285
Why should you give up smoking in the first place? The risk of lung cancer also decreases significantly. While it never goes to zero (and for that matter, the risk of a lung cancer is never zero even someone who has never smoked), it steadily decreases when a person stops smoking. 10 to 15 years after they quit, the risk isn't much higher than it would've been if they hadn't smoked.
There are many ways of quitting smoking, cold turkey being one of the most common. This means that you decide to give up at a certain time on a specific day. From that time onwards, you don't have another smoke again. Some people have the will power to do this themselves. Others need the help and assistance from a quit line or counseling service. It doesn't matter how you do it, what is important is that you stop.
If you've been a smoker for many years, you can still benefit from quitting smoking. The thing is, giving up nicotine is in fact giving up a drug; therefore, there will be a withdrawal period, and the things you will experience in this period can well be referred to as quit smoking side effects.
Don't give up if you are not successful the first time you quit. Keep trying again and again until you have become a non smoker. You have far too much to gain by not indulging in this habit. If it helps, avoid the social occasions you associate with having a smoke for a while. If you associate a cigarette with a drink, then temporarily give up alcohol as well. - 30285
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Please check out my other articles on the best way to stop smoking and also stop smoking drug