Things To Know About Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

By Kor Rassad

There are a lot of different forms of lung cancer around. Mesothelioma lung cancer is one that a lot of people are not very well informed about. It is a form of cancer that afflicts the area of the body that surround and protect the internal organs of the body. Here we will look at it a bit more.

This disease has seen to be more lately then in the past and is possibly due to the advancing ages of the baby boomers. Many of the people that acquire this disease are those that have worked around asbestos in the past. This known toxin has been associated with many of the cases of the disease that have been seen over the years. Mainly men will be the ones that get this devastating disease, but women should not think that they are in the clear as there are some women that have developed this disease as well.

Most people that have been exposed to asbestos for significant periods of time are prone to suffer from health conditions because of the exposure that they have had. The longer time of exposure that a person has the more chances they have of acquiring an asbestos related condition.

The indications that can come along that may signal that this condition may be present can take years to show up in people but when they do they are common ones that can be linked to many other health issues that people could be facing. Shortness of breath and chest pains are a common symptom of this disease but the fortunate part of this is that they are also a common symptom of many other issues as well. This can make things quite difficult when it comes time to make a firm diagnosis. There are a lot of other symptoms to think about as well, so getting information about what they all are can be a very good idea.

This disease shows symptoms that are very close to those of other health conditions which can make things hard for a doctor when it comes to making a diagnosis. A doctor will ask you for a full medical history including any exposure to things such as asbestos. Also they can require that a battery of tests be done so that they can make a positive diagnosis of the condition by being able to view the areas that are in question completely. They may also need to perform a biopsy. This is the best way to make a 100 per cent accurate diagnosis.

Once they confirm what is going on and that the disease is indeed present, they will then have to look in to how far it has gone. This can make a huge amount of difference when it comes to the types of treatment options that a person has to look at in order to try and prevent the spreading of it.

Keeping regular visits to the doctor is a wise thing for people to do as this can make it far easier for a doctor if something is to develop over the course of time. Another thing that people can do is stay up to date with developments that are up and coming when it comes to treatment options for this devastating disease. By doing these things you are helping yourself to longer and healthier life. - 30285

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Mesothelioma: A Merciless Killer Of Unwitting Souls

By Joe Harrell

Asbestos is a carcinogenic material which is responsible for the dangerous type of cancer called mesothelioma: Here, cancerous cells are developed in the protective covering of the internal organs known as mesothelium. It may affect the outer lining of the lungs, the lining of the abdominal cavity or the protective covering of the heart.

It is quite natural for the workers of factories where asbestos is involved to inhale the dangerous particles. Even the relatives and close family members are not left out by mesothelioma: Asbestos particles that remain attached to the workers' cloths and hair reach their dear and near ones. It has been found that workers, who are heavy smokers, are under the threat of this cancer induced by asbestos particles.

Wide range of symptoms is there for this disease, which includes shortness of breath, weight-loss, pain in the chest wall, fever etc. Many a times the disease is detected when the patient goes to the physician for treating some other disorders. If the doctor finds something to be suspicious, he advises a biopsy which may confirm the fatal illness.

Proper diagnosis as well as timely treatment of the disease is very difficult regarding the disease. The fact that the symptoms of this type of cancer are similar to those of other medical conditions confuses the doctors to a considerable extent. Another difficulty is that the symptoms appear very late and may even remain undetected for even 50 years. This proves to be the greatest hurdle in curing the disease. If the abnormality is detected timely, chances of survival are greatly increased.

There are a few primary factors which have to be taken into account while deciding the treatment plan for mesothelioma: They are the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, the general health of the patient and his age. The popular treatment methods include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. According to the discretion of the doctor based on the requirement of the hour, a combination of these methods is sometimes adopted. - 30285

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Lung Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Lung Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Lung Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

"Lung cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Lung Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, N-Tense and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

Usually, the large majority of doctors and medical practitioners although to be fair, not all, do not support the use of natural products like Graviola and N-tense in treating "Lung Cancer". Often calling them "fringe or quack" remedies, simply because the medical institutions don't teach the students about them.

There is growing evidence to support the fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you. Two of these in particular 'Graviola' and N-Tense are showing some quite remarkable results, often, in cases where traditional treatment and or chemotherapy don't work. What would you do if you had lung cancer?

The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, In 2001, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Lung Cancer! That tree was Graviola! . So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is an indigenous to South America and some parts of the Amazon Rainforests It's not exactly big either growing only 5 to 6 metres high. But in regards to having "Lung Cancer" attacking properties, it's massive! Anyone interested in beating "Lung Cancer" should know more about this life saver.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the 1970s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in 1976 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and N-Tense here. It's a real eye opener!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as "Lung Support to help the lungs and also Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

So, could Graviola and N-tense help you in the fight against Lung Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! This information must not be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. Never take action based solely on this article's contents. You should 'always' consult with a professional health practitioner on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be sound and accurate, based on the author's best information available at the time. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

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Mesothelioma Lawsuit: A Timely Help During Times Of Extreme Distress

By Joe Harrell

Mesothelioma cancer brings in its wake lots of mental, social and financial problems. Mesothelioma lawsuit is a great consolation and blessing for the victims of the malicious cancer. The lawsuit can be filed by any victim who has contracted the disease through asbestos exposure. In case the patient had lost his life due to the disease, a family member or the executor of the dead person's will is eligible to file the lawsuit. It may also happen that the family members themselves contracted the disease owing to the exposure through the worker. The lawsuit for getting compensation can be filed by family members in such an eventuality.

Expert mesothelioma lawyers are available to assist you in filing the lawsuit. An experienced lawyer can assure you to get the compensation in the least possible time. But for that he needs to present the case efficiently after adequate research work. There is also a time limit set for filing the lawsuit. Though it varies from State to State, one to two years is the limit followed by most of the States. Your eligibility to claim for the recompense would be lost if the lawsuit is not filed within the stipulated time.

You should know when and where you had been exposed to asbestos, for filing mesothelioma lawsuit. In case you do not remember the details, a private investigator can be hired through your lawyer to collect the information.

Since most of the lawyers in this field work on a no-win no-fee basis, filing the lawsuit would not bring financial burden on the family. Once you win the case, the lawyer will take a percentage of the amount allotted as his fee. Though you cannot foretell how2 much compensation you would get, you can rest assured to get a nice amount that is adequate enough to cover the financial burden incurred due to the disease.

There are no rules which state that you have to file the mesothelioma lawsuit in the State where you live. Expert lawyers would prefer the States where the chances of success and the rate of compensation are high. Out of court settlements are also possible in such cases. - 30285

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Deal Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma With Equanimity

By Joe Harrell

Asbestos cancer mesothelioma is caused by over-exposure to asbestos. Once considered as a miracle material, it was popular due to its characteristics like light weight, resistance to heat etc. It is a naturally occurring product, which was widely used in various commercial and consumer products. Producing construction materials like cement, insulation and roofing shingles to consumer and industrial applications such as automobile brake pads, hair dryers and pipe insulation make use of asbestos on a large scale.

Most of the victims of mesothelioma cancer have been exposed to the cancerous particles at workplaces. There is a possibility of asbestos exposure in household atmosphere also. At the same time you will be amazed to know that many who have worked with asbestos for less than two months have also become victims of the dangerous disease. The treatment procedure is complicated and made less effective due to the fact that there is a wide time gap between asbestos exposure and diagnosis of the disease.

Asbestos cancer mesothelioma has major symptoms like shortness of breath caused by expanding pleural effusion and persistent dry cough. Other symptoms include night sweats, fatigue without reason, fever, pain under the rib cage, swelling or lumps in the abdomen, weight loss etc. These symptoms can be common for all three types of mesothelioma - peritoneal, pleural and pericardial - confusing the doctors in proper diagnosis.

An individual treatment plan is adopted for each victim taking into account the type and stage of cancer, along with the general health of the patient. Apart from using the traditional treatments, the doctors may use a combination of traditional modern treatments. In the recent times, there has been rapid growth in the medical technology related to mesothelioma cancer cure. Improvements are found in surgical methods, post operative care, chemotherapy and radiotherapy etc.

Diagnosis of Asbestos cancer mesothelioma comes as a shock not only to the victims, but also to the relatives. These days, websites are available for providing required information to families dealing with the disease. The information includes advice and referrals to other people coping with cancer and support groups. Through their endeavors, people are better equipped to deal with the disease in a creative manner. - 30285

About the Author:

Some Basic Facts About Asbestos Mesothelioma

By Joe Harrell

Overexposure to asbestos is the main factor which is responsible for contracting mesothelioma. Of all the reported mesothelioma cases, about 70-80 percent has a history of asbestos exposure. At the same time, a few other cases have been reported where asbestos was not at involved. Asbestos is a mineral occurring in nature as masses of flexible fibers and it can be separated into fine threads and woven. It is widely put to industrial use for manufacturing cement, flooring products, brake linings, roof shingles, insulation products and textiles. Owing to its widespread use, a number of workers have been affected by asbestos mesothelioma.

The asbestos particles being so tiny float in the air during the manufacturing process. Unknowingly, they may be inhaled or swallowed by the workers, resulting in serious health problems. It should be noted that smoking and asbestos exposure enhance a person's risk of contracting cancer of the air passageways in the lung. Millions of American workers have been exposed to asbestos since the early'40s. Shipyard workers, those who are working in asbestos mines and mills, workers in the heating and construction industries etc also face increased threat of catching the disease.

The risk of asbestos related disease increases with heavier and longer exposure to asbestos. However, there are exceptions like individuals with brief exposure developing asbestos mesothelioma and a few others who are heavily exposed not developing the disease. Asbestos has been mined and used for commercial purposes since the late'00s. Initially the risks involved in asbestos were not known. Once the link between the cancer and asbestos was established various laws came into existence for the welfare of the workers. Limits have been set for acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the place of work.

The cancer is so malicious that it does not even spare the family members. Asbestos particles stick to the hair and clothing of workers thereby exposing the relatives also to them. In order to avoid this, rules have been formulated for the workers to have a bath and change of cloth before heading home.

It has been noted that detection of asbestos mesothelioma is a difficult process owing to the fact that the symptoms appear very late. The similarity of the symptoms with those of other diseases also makes the correct diagnosis almost impossible. Medical technology has advanced greatly giving new hope to the victims and their relatives. But a complete cure still remains a distant dream. - 30285

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Stomach Cancer! Can it be Beaten Using Traditional Herbal Remedies?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Stomach Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and Graviola Max actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

"Stomach Cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Stomach Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, Graviola Max and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Stomach Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and Graviola Max. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

Evidence is growing however, in support of the fact that many of these botanicals may be really quite beneficial. Two of these herbal remedies in particularly, 'Graviola' and 'Graviola Max are showing some quite remarkable results in "Stomach Cancer" patients. Often in cases where chemotherapy and traditional treatment didn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer" It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Stomach Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is an indigenous to South America and some parts of the Amazon Rainforests It's not exactly big either growing only 5 to 6 metres high. But in regards to having "Stomach Cancer" attacking properties, it's massive! Anyone interested in beating "Stomach Cancer" should know more about this life saver.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

That is the very good because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI article says the tree has been studied in over 20 laboratory tests since the 1970s, and it has shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate and Stomach Cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Stomach Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in 1976 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and Graviola Max here. It's a real eye opener!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

So, could Graviola and Graviola Max help you in the fight against Stomach Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should 'always consult with a professional health practitioner' on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. Please Note. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

Bladder Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against It?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Bladder Cancer! The question we are going to ask is. Do herbal products like Graviola Max and Graviola Really work? The results seem very positive, enough to say...Yes!

Many people are worried at the thought of developing Bladder Cancer! Does the phrase "Bladder Cancer" worry you? Powerful words are they not? Graviola and Graviola Max both seem to be very good herbal products, and they are available to you...Now!

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Bladder Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and Graviola Max. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. Graviola Max and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Bladder Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer" It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Bladder Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! So what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Bladder Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Lots of research has already been completed. It's been found that a lot of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the stem, leaves, and seeds of the Graviola tree are cytotoxic against many cancer cells and tumours. These plant parts are all used in herbal medicine.

This is the really good news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) According to the HSI article the 'Graviola' tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: * Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, Bowel, prostate, lung, and Bladder Cancer. * Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Bladder Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. * Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

A plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also demonstrated that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Many researchers who have been following up on this research have also found that Graviola was a cancer killing turbine. The use of herbal products worldwide has been there almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, well for a few thousands of years at least. So, If you or your loved ones suffer from cancer, then I would recommend that you read the Graviola and Graviola Max article by the HSI in full here. It's mind blowing!

Other Herbal products that could also be used help assist the above are "Immune Support" to boost the immune system. Both have shown to be off great help!

So, could Graviola and Graviola Max help you in the fight against Bladder Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! This information must not be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. Never take action based solely on this article's contents. You should 'always' consult with a professional health practitioner on important matters relating to your own health and well-being. The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be sound and accurate, based on the author's best information available at the time. Any reader, who fails to consult with the appropriate medical and health authorities, "assumes ALL responsibility of any resulting injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

Bladder Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Bladder Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Bladder Cancer! Graviola and Graviola Max are said to be very effective fighting this. Are they? Many people have, and still are using them. The results appear to say a big yes!

"Bladder Cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Bladder Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, Graviola Max and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

Usually, the large majority of doctors and medical practitioners although to be fair, not all, do not support the use of natural products like Graviola and Graviola Max in treating "Bladder Cancer". Often calling them "fringe or quack" remedies, simply because the medical institutions don't teach the students about them.

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. Graviola Max and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Bladder Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer" It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Bladder Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is an indigenous to South America and some parts of the Amazon Rainforests It's not exactly big either growing only 5 to 6 metres high. But in regards to having "Bladder Cancer" attacking properties, it's massive! Anyone interested in beating "Bladder Cancer" should know more about this life saver.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

That is the very good because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI article says the tree has been studied in over 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, and it has shown to: * Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate and Bladder Cancer. * Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Bladder Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. * Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

A plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also demonstrated that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Many researchers who have been following up on this research have also found that Graviola was a cancer killing turbine. The use of herbal products worldwide has been there almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, well for a few thousands of years at least. So, If you or your loved ones suffer from cancer, then I would recommend that you read the Graviola and Graviola Max article by the HSI in full here. It's mind blowing!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

So, could Graviola and Graviola Max help you in the fight against Bladder Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

Can Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Surgery Improve Chemotherapy Outcomes?

By Brian Rodane

Minimally invasive lung cancer surgery can be used to remove cancerous tissue without the need to open the patient's chest. A traditional approach to performing a lobectomy required the surgeon to make a long incision into the chest. Then, the chest is opened and the ribs are either spread apart or removed in order to give the surgical team a better view of the affected lobe. The operation usually involves a significant level of postoperative pain as well as a longer recovery time.

Chemotherapy drugs are often administered to the patient after the procedure. This is done to help kill any diseased cells that may have spread to other sites. In most cases, these drugs must either be delayed or the dosage must be reduced until the patient has recovered.

In this article, we'll describe how a lobectomy can be performed without the high-impact trauma associated with conventional thoracotomy. We'll also explain the effect this has on chemotherapy outcomes.

What Is A Thoracoscopic Lobectomy?

A thoracoscopic lobectomy involves the surgeon making a few small incisions between the patient's ribs. A thoracoscope (a tubular instrument) with a small camera attached on the end is inserted through one of the incisions to provide a view of the diseased tissue. Then, additional surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions to remove the affected lobe and biopsy the chest lymph nodes.

There is no need to open the chest or spread the patient's ribs (as is the case with conventional thoracotomy).

The Aftereffects Of Thoracoscopic Lobectomy

Because this minimally invasive procedure does not require opening the chest, there is less post-op pain, less likelihood of infection, and less impact to the immune system. There is also less chance of the patient developing complications (for example, bleeding) following the operation. As a result, the recovery time is usually shorter than would be the case with open chest surgery.

These factors contribute to the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs. Often, doctors must delay giving the drugs to those who have undergone traditional open surgery due to an impaired immune system. Other times, doctors can administer chemotherapy drugs, but in limited doses.

Because these drugs seek to eliminate cancerous cells that have metastasized, it is important that they are administered as quickly as possible. Delays or limited doses that result from the patient's prolonged recovery time will impact the drugs' effectiveness. This is one of the reasons many surgeons are recommending minimally invasive lung cancer surgery whenever the patient is deemed a good candidate.

In some cases, the minimally invasive techniques that are being used to perform lobectomies can also be used to perform a pneumonectomy (removal of the entire lung). If you have been diagnosed with early stage lung cancer, discuss these options with your doctor. He or she will determine whether you are a good candidate for thoracoscopic resection, lobectomy, or pneumonectomy. - 30285

About the Author:

Should You Quit Smoking?

By Jammy Hoob

Many people have probably told you to quit smoking. When deciding to give up nicotine, you should also be aware that there are some quit smoking side effects that you will have to deal with. Now, they are not as scary as you might first think, but you should be aware of them, in order to be prepared and deal with the them right way.

Why should you give up smoking in the first place? The risk of lung cancer also decreases significantly. While it never goes to zero (and for that matter, the risk of a lung cancer is never zero even someone who has never smoked), it steadily decreases when a person stops smoking. 10 to 15 years after they quit, the risk isn't much higher than it would've been if they hadn't smoked.

There are many ways of quitting smoking, cold turkey being one of the most common. This means that you decide to give up at a certain time on a specific day. From that time onwards, you don't have another smoke again. Some people have the will power to do this themselves. Others need the help and assistance from a quit line or counseling service. It doesn't matter how you do it, what is important is that you stop.

If you've been a smoker for many years, you can still benefit from quitting smoking. The thing is, giving up nicotine is in fact giving up a drug; therefore, there will be a withdrawal period, and the things you will experience in this period can well be referred to as quit smoking side effects.

Don't give up if you are not successful the first time you quit. Keep trying again and again until you have become a non smoker. You have far too much to gain by not indulging in this habit. If it helps, avoid the social occasions you associate with having a smoke for a while. If you associate a cigarette with a drink, then temporarily give up alcohol as well. - 30285

About the Author:

How To File A Proper Mesothelioma Lawsuit

By Joe Harrell

A mesothelioma diagnosis comes as a shock to the victims and they face a plethora of social, mental and financial problems in its wake. The victims are entitled to file a mesothelioma lawsuit for compensation, the only criterion being developing the disease due to exposure to asbestos. Even if the victim is dead, the lawsuit can be filed by one of his or her family members or the executor of their will. If the family members have contracted the disease through the victim, they are also eligible for filing the lawsuit for compensation.

Mesothelioma lawyers are available are available to assist you in filing the lawsuit. Like in other procedures, the process can be lengthy in mesothelioma cases also. Still, with the help of an efficient lawyer, the cases can be sorted out at a fast pace. Adequate research is indispensable from the part of the lawyer to present the case in the best possible manner. It should also be remembered that there is a fixed time limit for filing the case and this time limit differs from State to State. Normally, it is found that the time limit is one to two years from the time of detection of the disease. If the lawsuit is not filed within the particular time, you will lose your eligibility to claim the compensation.

You should know when and where you had been exposed to asbestos, for filing mesothelioma lawsuit. In case you do not remember the details, a private investigator can be hired through your lawyer to collect the information.

Since most of the lawyers in this field work on a no-win no-fee basis, filing the lawsuit would not bring financial burden on the family. Once you win the case, the lawyer will take a percentage of the amount allotted as his fee. Though you cannot foretell how2 much compensation you would get, you can rest assured to get a nice amount that is adequate enough to cover the financial burden incurred due to the disease.

There is no need to file the mesothelioma lawsuit, in the state where you stay. In fact, the lawyer will select the state, where you have best chance of success and where you will get the highest compensation. Out of court settlements are also possible in mesothelioma cases through which both sides can save money. - 30285

About the Author:

Cigarettes That Do Not Cause Cancer - Truths About Electronic Cigarettes

By Marc Riley

In recent years, electronic cigarettes have become one of the most popular cigarette alternatives. But how safe is the electronic cigarette? Here are the facts that will help you rethink about regular and electronic cigarettes.

What's Dangerous About Regular Tobacco Cigarettes? When regular tobacco cigarettes burn, a toxic smoke is generated. This smoke contains over 3,000 chemicals and carcinogens that contribute to deadly diseases, including lung cancer. As if it is not worse enough, the second hand smoke that you breathe out is even more deadlier than the first hand inhalation. This is because the cooler smoke that comes out of the lungs can attack bystanders better than when it was still fresh.

How are Electronic Cigarettes Different Than the Regular Ones? Electronic cigarettes are a relatively new technology that delivers "smoke" without actually burning anything. The "vapor" contains only nicotine, flavors, water, and some harmless ingredients. In other words, there is none of the cancer-causing chemicals and tar that come in regular cigarettes. For this reason, they are a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Information on Nicotine When some people think of nicotine, they think of lung cancer. However, the truth is that nicotine is not carcinogenic. It is actually the other chemicals in tobacco smoke that lead to lung cancer.

As for its addictiveness, nicotine is only mildly so. Still, smokers find regular cigarettes hard to quit because the chemicals and the physical act of smoking both contribute to the habit. While smoking electronic cigarettes is not quitting, you at least knock the habit down to only nicotine as the active ingredient.

So Are Electronic Cigarettes Really Safe to Use? If you ask a doctor if you should smoke anything, the answer is mostly likely to be "no". But if you do smoke, the electronic cigarette is absolutely safer than regular cigarettes. It lacks the dangerous chemicals that cause lung cancer and literally stops smokers from killing themselves.

Some opponents may argue that electronic cigarettes only give people an excuse to continue smoking. They could be right, if the product steers smokers away from quitting to settling for the next best (worse) thing. However, given the fact that a majority of chronic smokers simply accept their fate and continue to use cigarettes, the electronic cigarette is a much, much safer and attractive alternative. The product mimics the appearance and the nicotine level of a real cigarette and gives the user the option of reducing health risks without actually quitting. - 30285

About the Author:

What Affects The Mesothelioma Survival Rate?

By Rae Morrisette

A tumor that has an impact on the mesothelium is known as Mesothelioma. This illness can be benign or malignant. The mesothelium is a casing covering the organs in the body. This cancer begins in the lining of the abdomen or lungs. The mesothelioma survival rate is based on many factors.

The disease might be named according to its location in the body but one name for it is Fibroma.

Those who have the malignant form were typically employed in jobs where asbestos was breathed in. The benign form seems to have no ties with asbestos.

The protective sac surrounding the organs is made of two layers with a fluid in between them. The inner layer completely encompasses the organ. The second layer does the same. The fluid found in the middle allows for the organ to touch other parts.

Asbestos plays a big role in mesothelioma. Of all people diagnosed with the illness, 70% to 80% of them worked around it. It is possible for the disease to develop without ever being exposed to asbestos though.

Family members, who lived with the worker, are also at risk for developing the illness. It could be because of asbestos dust.

Smoking cannot be directly linked to the disease. If you combine both though, your chances of developing lung cancer increase.

A strong, flexible mineral, asbestos occurs naturally.

Asbestos can cause other diseases such as lung cancer, a chronic lung illness known as asbestosis, and other cancers.

Anyone working with asbestos at the present has to limit the possibility of exposure by wearing protective gear.

A person 's health and age, the stage of the illness and the location all play a role in deciding what the treatment will be.

Treatment options include: Surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In some cases, all three are used together.

This cancer is rare even though there has been an increase in cases over the last 20 years. Each year, approximately 2,000 cases are discovered. Men are more likely to suffer from this cancer than women.

Most people are told that their survival rate is less than a year. There are those who make it past this time.

Keep in mind that the symptoms of the cancer can take half a century to show. By this time, the cancer has reached its later stages.

New blood tests such as Mesomark are making it possible to doctors to detect the disease early. As a result, patients are living longer. Catching it in its early stages leaves more treatment options available.

Living past the one year mark is possible. It is even possible to be cured. Why some survive the illness and other do not is currently unknown.

Building up immune systems through therapies and treatments is what helped some survive the illness. Alternative therapies or clinical trials may have been what they did. It would appear that the immune system plays a vital part in survival.

It seems like the average survival rate for a person with mesothelioma is this: 1st year, 39 percent survival rate, 2nd year, 20 percent survival rate, 3rd year, 11 percent survival rate, 4th year, 10 percent survival rate and fifth year, 9 percent survival rate. - 30285

About the Author:

Tests Commonly Performed To Diagnose Lung Cancer

By Brian Rodane

You may be suffering from lung cancer (LC) without realizing it. It can lay hidden for years. In fact, in many cases, the disease can metastasize (spread outside the site of origin) before symptoms present. Making matters worse, one of the most common symptoms is a persistent, nagging cough. The cough is often dismissed as little more than the sign of a common cold.

Eventually, other symptoms will manifest. You might have difficulty catching your breath after short bouts of activity. You may lose your appetite, experience pain within your chest, and even cough up blood. These are warning signs of lung cancer. If you notice them, make an appointment with your doctor. Below, we'll describe the various tests your physician can perform to identify the presence of cancerous cells.

A History And Physical Examination

Your doctor will begin by reviewing your medical history. It may provide useful clues, including whether you are genetically predisposed to the disease and if others in your family have developed it. Your physician will also ask about your current lifestyle. He'll want to know if you are exposed to tobacco smoke, asbestos, or other carcinogens. Next, he'll conduct a full physical exam. That will help him determine whether you suffer from breathing difficulties, including blockages within your airways.

Chest X-rays And Scans

After he performs an exam, your doctor will take X-rays of your chest. The X-rays will provide a view of your lungs and bring suspect areas to his attention. However, the X-rays alone are not enough for your physician to make a clear diagnosis of LC.

Next, you'll likely undergo a CT scan as your doctor looks for tumors and signs of metastases. This is usually done because the X-rays do not provide enough information. If there is a possibility that you suffer from small cell lung cancer (as experienced by long-time smokers), he may perform a helical CT scan.

If the CT scans do not provide adequate information, your physician may order a positron emission tomography scan. This will give him a 3-D model of your chest that not only shows your organs and bones, but also metabolic activity and other body functions.

If the positron emission tomography scan is inconclusive, your doctor may perform a bronchoscopy. He'll slide a bronchoscope down your throat toward your bronchi to identify areas that can be biopsied. If the site that offers an abnormal sample of tissue is difficult to access with the bronchoscope, your physician may perform a needle biopsy. A needle in inserted between your ribs in order to access the site.

If you notice any symptoms of lung cancer, contact your doctor as soon as possible. The earlier it can be diagnosed, the greater likelihood that it can be treated successfully. - 30285

About the Author:

Overview of Lung Cancer Treatment

By Brian Rodane

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer in the United States, though many people are under the impression that only smokers are affected, the truth is that around two-thirds of patients have never smoked or quit. Lung cancer affects more people than the three other major cancer conditions combined - breast, prostrate and colon cancer.
Lung cancer is diagnosed by a series of tests, some or all of which will be utilized by an oncologist (cancer specialist). These tests include the following:

CT Scan
PET Scan
Needle biopsy
Surgical biopsy

Once a diagnosis of lung cancer has been established, your doctor will need to assess the stage of the disease. Staging is the process by which the cancer is assessed and categorized; this is essential for determining an effective treatment regime which will depend on a number of detailed factors. Factors include the size of the tumor, location, whether it is primary (originated in the lungs) or metastasized (spread to the lungs from another tumor elsewhere in the body), whether it has spread to the lymph nodes and many other factors.

Staging is frequently referred to as TNM - Tumor, Lymph Nodes, Metastasized.

Treatment regimes will be determined by the type of lung cancer a patient has acquired. Metastasized cancer is treated differently from primary cancer - in the latter case, the tumor originates in the lung and can be treated by surgery in the early stages backed up by chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Metastasized cancer cannot be so easily treated by surgery unless the cancer is non-aggressive and the tumor of relatively small size.

Your doctor will probably recommend minimally invasive surgery for early stage, primary lung cancer and this has distinct advantages in both treatment outcome and for the patient. Minimally invasive techniques do not involve opening the thoracic cavity (the chest) and is not major surgery with the attendant risks that carries. It is usual for a patient to be up and walking within a couple of hours of the procedure and to be home within a day or two of being admitted to hospital. Chemotherapy or radiation treatment may be used to follow up the removal (known as a resection) of the cancerous lung tissue.

Traditional open surgery may be used where the cancer is located in an inaccessible portion of the lungs or is at a stage where minimally invasive techniques are not appropriate. This requires an incision in the side of the chest (the flank) and the spreading of the ribs to gain access to the area where the tumor is located. This involves additional pain and discomfort for the patient and a longer stay in hospital with a longer recovery period, which is why minimally invasive techniques are often preferred. Again, the operation will frequently be followed up by additional chemotherapy or radiation treatment where necessary.

Where the disease has reached a stage at which it is incurable, palliative surgery may be undertaken to help the patient's quality of life, such as the removal of the tumor which has become of a size where airways are being obstructed. - 30285

About the Author:

Common Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

By Brian Rodane

Your lungs remove carbon dioxide from your blood before enriching it with oxygen and sending it back to your heart. If cells within any of the lobes develop abnormally, they can become cancerous. If lung cancer (LC) forms, it can spread throughout the rest of your body.

One of the challenges of this disease is that symptoms do not manifest in a quarter of diagnosed cases. The affliction is identified through a routine computerized tomography scan or chest X-rays. The problem is that by the time a doctor is able to diagnose it, the cancerous cells may have already started to metastasize (spread from their original site). That is the reason it is important to recognize symptoms when they present.

Below, we'll describe the most common symptoms associated with lung cancer. The earlier you can detect them, the greater likelihood of successfully removing the diseased tissue.

Warning Signs Of A Cancerous Growth

As noted, 25% of diagnosed LC cases are discovered when a physician performs a CT scan or takes X-rays of the chest. If a tumor exists, it will show up as a small mass. Until other tests are done, it is nearly impossible to determine whether the mass is benign or malignant.

If cancerous cells are present and have begun to spread to other areas of the tissue, you may notice a marked shortness of breath. You might also develop a persistent cough; in many cases, it will be reminiscent of the cough of an habitual smoker. Some patients report that their cough is accompanied by blood. Other warning signs of the disease are chest pain, shoulder pain (in the event that the cancerous cells have spread to the nerves), and hoarseness.

If the cancerous cells metastasize and spread to the bones, you may experience a staggering level of pain. If the infliction spreads to the brain, it can trigger headaches, numbness in certain areas, and even seizures.

Complications From The Disease

Metastasis can quickly lead to life-threatening circumstances. When LC spreads, it infects the liver, brain, and bones. A condition called pleural effusion can also occur in which the space between the lungs and chest cavity fill with fluid. As a result, you might experience a shortness in breath.

Aside from chemotherapy drugs, treatment is usually limited to controlling the severity of the symptoms once the cancerous cells have metastasized. For example, in the case of pleural effusion, the fluid can be drained, but the underlying problem cannot be surgically repaired.

It is estimated that six out of ten people who are diagnosed with lung cancer die within twelve months of the diagnosis. It is the most deadly form of cancer in the U.S. As noted, the earlier it is diagnosed, the more effectively it can be treated. If you notice any of the symptoms described above, consult your doctor immediately. - 30285

About the Author:

Bladder Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Bladder Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Bladder Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and Graviola Max actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

Many people are worried at the thought of developing Bladder Cancer! Does the phrase "Bladder Cancer" worry you? Powerful words are they not? Graviola and Graviola Max both seem to be very good herbal products, and they are available to you...Now!

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of herbal remedies like Graviola and Graviola Max for 'Bladder Cancer', often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school.

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. Graviola Max and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Bladder Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Bladder Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! .... So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is a tree that is indigenous to the Amazon Rainforests and some other parts of South America. It's not really a huge rainforest tree, in fact it is a relatively small evergreen "shrub" (in Rainforest terms) growing to only 5 to 6 metres tall. But in terms of having cancer cell fighting properties, it's an absolute giant!

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: * Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, Bowel, and Bladder Cancer. * Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Bladder Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. * Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

A plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also demonstrated that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Many researchers who have been following up on this research have also found that Graviola was a cancer killing turbine. The use of herbal products worldwide has been there almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, well for a few thousands of years at least. So, If you or your loved ones suffer from cancer, then I would recommend that you read the Graviola and Graviola Max article by the HSI in full here. It's mind blowing!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system may be beneficial!

Well can Graviola and Graviola Max help you in your fight against Bladder Cancer? It seems that the answer is possibly, yes it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

Stomach Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Stomach Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Stomach Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and Graviola Max actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

"Stomach Cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Stomach Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, Graviola Max and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

Usually, the large majority of doctors and medical practitioners although to be fair, not all, do not support the use of natural products like Graviola and Graviola Max in treating "Stomach Cancer". Often calling them "fringe or quack" remedies, simply because the medical institutions don't teach the students about them.

There is growing evidence to support the fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you. Two of these in particular 'Graviola' and Graviola Max are showing some quite remarkable results, often, in cases where traditional treatment and or chemotherapy don't work. What would you do if you had Stomach Cancer?

Way back in 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that could stop "Stomach Cancer". Shame on them! That tree was Graviola! .OK, so what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Stomach Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

This is the really good news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) According to the HSI article the 'Graviola' tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, Bowel, prostate, lung, and Stomach Cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Stomach Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Back in'76 a plant screening program by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola displayed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing powerhouse. These Herbal products have been in use worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth. If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article about Graviola Max and Graviola here. It really is staggering!

It has been shown that taking additional herbal products in addition to the above, such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system could be of help!

Well can Graviola and Graviola Max help you in your fight against Stomach Cancer? It seems that the answer is possibly, yes it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

What Is Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer Surgery?

By Brian Rodane

Until recently, most surgical procedures that were performed to eliminate lung cancer (LC) required the surgeon to make a long incision in the patient's chest. The ribs were either removed or spread apart in order that the surgeon could gain access to the affected site. While that strategy is still used for some types of lung cancer surgery, there are minimally invasive techniques that are being employed more regularly.

In this article, we'll provide an overview of the three types of surgeries that doctors perform on patients who are suffering from LC. We'll also describe how new technology and tools are making it unnecessary to open the patient's chest.

Types Of Surgical Procedures

If the disease is still in its early stages (stages I or II) and has not spread to other sites, a doctor will normally perform a wedge resection. This is a procedure in which the tumor is removed along with a small portion of surrounding tissue. Approximately one in four diagnosed cases can be treated with a wedge resection. It's worth noting that this strategy does not entirely preclude a recurrence of cancerous cells.

If the disease has spread within the lung, but is still contained within it (that is, it has not fully metastasized), a lobectomy can be performed. The doctor will remove an entire lobe. If more than one lobe is affected, the doctor may perform a pneumonectomy. This is the removal of the entire lung.

A pneumonectomy still often requires opening the chest cavity because the surgical team must have complete access to the site in order to remove the organ. A thoracoscopic lobectomy can be performed without the need to spread the patient's ribcage. This is a minimally invasive procedure during which a surgeon makes several small incisions into the patient's chest. He will then use robotic arms appended with surgical instruments to access the site and remove the affected lobe. The same strategy can be used to perform a wedge resection.

This minimally invasive lung cancer surgical procedure offers far more accuracy than can be achieved by opening the chest.

Other Forms Of Treatment

If the disease has metastasized, surgery will not be sufficient to eliminate it. Your doctor may suggest chemotherapy or radiation therapy, either as a primary treatment path or as an adjunct path. Both can be used for small-cell and non-small cell LC. Chemotherapy uses specific drugs (administered in pill form, intravenously, or both) to kill cancerous cells. Radiation therapy uses high-intensity beams to accomplish the same goal. For late-stage cases of LC, a combination of all three (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy) may be necessary.

Treating lung cancer surgically is no longer limited to opening the patient's chest. A growing number of surgeons are proving that minimally invasive procedures are safer, more effective, and can dramatically reduce the patient's recovery time. - 30285

About the Author:

Tumours and Cancer, Fact or Fiction. Do Alternative Medicines and Herbal Remedies Really Work against Tumours and Cancer?

By Grahaam Maartin

Just what are the facts about alternative medicines and herbal products and do they actually work? That is the subject I am going to address. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes! Ask yourself the question. Are you frightened by the thought of getting cancer? Does the word "cancer" worry you? The word itself is very emotive isn't it? Well now it seems that there is some very good 'natural' help available to you, its called Graviola!

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of alternative or herbal remedies, often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school. Even though some of these alternative or herbal remedies show tremendous potential and have been used successfully for generations by local shamans and practitioners.

However, there is growing evidence to support the fact that many of these herbs may really be quite beneficial to you. One of these herbs in particular 'Graviola' is showing some quite remarkable results, often, in cases where traditional treatment and or chemotherapy don't work. What would you do? would you use it?

The HSI organisation or Health Sciences Institute featured an article Way back in 2001 with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say. "Breast and Colon cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". That tree was Graviola! OK, so what is Graviola?

Graviola is an indigenous to South America and some parts of the Amazon Rainforests It's not exactly big either growing only 5 to 6 metres high. But in regards to having cancer attacking properties, it's massive! Anyone interested in beating cancer should know more about this life saver.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

That is the very good because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI article says the tree has been studied in over 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, and it has shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate and breast cancer Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunts down and kills cancer cells leaving healthy cells unharmed, unlike chemotherapy.

A plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also demonstrated that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Many researchers who have been following up on this research have also found that Graviola was a cancer killing turbine. The use of herbal products worldwide has been there almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, well for a few thousands of years at least. So, If you or your loved ones suffer from cancer, then I would recommend that you read the HSI article in full here. It's mind blowing!

So, could Graviola help you in the fight against cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes! - 30285

About the Author:

Lung Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Lung Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Lung Cancer! Do herbal products like Graviola and N-Tense actually work? That is the issue I am going to look at. But the initial results seem to say an emphatic yes!

"Lung cancer"! The thought of having this frightens many people. Indeed many are frightened by the very words 'Lung Cancer' strong words, yes! Available now are two powerful natural herbal products, N-Tense and Graviola, both appear to be showing some fine results.

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of herbal remedies like Graviola and N-Tense for 'Lung Cancer', often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school.

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. N-Tense and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Lung Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, In 2001, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It goes on to say Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Lung Cancer! That tree was Graviola! . So what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Lung Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Lots of research has already been completed. It's been found that a lot of the phytochemicals or annonaceous acetogenins (the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the stem, leaves, and seeds of the Graviola tree are cytotoxic against many cancer cells and tumours. These plant parts are all used in herbal medicine.

This is the really good news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) According to the HSI article the 'Graviola' tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Also a plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing dynamo. Herbal products have been used worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, (well for thousands of years at least.) If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article on Graviola and N-Tense here. It's a real eye opener!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system and also Lung Support to help the lungs may be beneficial!

So, could Graviola and N-tense help you in the fight against Lung Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

About the Author:

Liver Cancer! Can Alternative Medicines Really Work Against Liver Cancer?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Liver Cancer! Graviola and Graviola Max are said to be very effective fighting this. Are they? Many people have, and still are using them. The results appear to say a big yes!

Many people are worried at the thought of developing Liver Cancer! Does the phrase "Liver Cancer" worry you? Powerful words are they not? Graviola and Graviola Max both seem to be very good herbal products, and they are available to youNow!

Traditionally, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors (though not all), frown on the use of herbal remedies like Graviola and Graviola Max for 'Liver Cancer', often describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, simply because they are outside the range of subjects taught in medical school.

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. Graviola Max and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Liver Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The HSI organisation (Health Sciences Institute) featured an article with the headline "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer" It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some unethical greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Liver Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! So what exactly is Graviola?

Graviola is an indigenous to South America and some parts of the Amazon Rainforests It's not exactly big either growing only 5 to 6 metres high. But in regards to having "Liver Cancer" attacking properties, it's massive! Anyone interested in beating "Liver Cancer" should know more about this life saver.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

Excellent news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) The HSI says in this article that the tree has undergone more than 20 laboratory studies and tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including lung, Prostate, colon, Bowel, and Liver Cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Liver Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Without harming healthy cells, it can selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy.

Back in'76 a plant screening program by the National Cancer Institute also showed that Graviola displayed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells and various researchers have been following up on this research ever since and have found that Graviola was a cancer killing powerhouse. These Herbal products have been in use worldwide almost since the time when man first walked on the earth. If you or your loved ones suffer from this terrible ailment, then I would strongly recommend that you read the HSI article about Graviola Max and Graviola here. It really is staggering!

Other Herbal products that could also be used help assist the above are "Immune Support" to boost the immune system. Both have shown to be off great help!

So, could Graviola and Graviola Max help you in the fight against Liver Cancer? It appears that the answer is a resounding yes!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

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Can You Beat Pancreatic Cancer by using Traditional Herbal Remedies and Alternative Medicine?

By Grahaam A. E. Maartin

Pancreatic Cancer! The question we are going to ask is. Do herbal products like Graviola Max and Graviola Really work? The results seem very positive, enough to sayYes!

Are you frightened by the thought of getting Pancreatic Cancer? Do the words "Pancreatic Cancer" worry you? The words are very emotive aren't they? Well now it appears that there is some very good 'natural' help available to you Graviola and Graviola Max!

As a rule, the large majority of medical practitioners and doctors do not support the use of treating 'Pancreatic Cancer' with 'Herbal Treatments' like Graviola and Graviola Max. In many cases describing them as 'quack' or 'fringe' medicines, mainly because they were not taught it at 'Medical School'!

The fact that many of these herbal remedies may really be quite beneficial to you is now supported by growing evidence. Graviola Max and Graviola are two in particular that are showing promising results in patients with Pancreatic Cancer, sometimes in case where traditional chemo doesn't work. Would you use it?

In 2001 The Health Sciences Institute (HSI) featured an article, headlined "Billion-dollar Drug Company nearly squashes astounding research on natural cancer killer". It says. "Cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy". Can you believe that! 10.000 times stronger and yet some greedy pharmaceutical company tried to squash it because they couldn't patent a plant that just might stop Pancreatic Cancer! Disgusting! That tree was Graviola! . So what exactly is Graviola?

This tree Graviola is indigenous to the Amazon and various regions of South America. It's not a big rainforest tree by any means, the fact is it' relatively small in Rainforest terms growing to only 5 or 6 metres tall. But the "Pancreatic Cancer" fighting properties it has are amazing; in fact it's an absolute monster.

Much of the research already completed has found that plenty of the annonaceous acetogenins or phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants) found in the seeds, stem and leaves of Graviola tree are cytotoxic against various cancer cells and tumour cells. In herbal medicine, all these plant parts are used.

This is the really good news because, quote:- (Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing. Any agent or process that kills cells. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of cytotoxic therapy.) According to the HSI article the 'Graviola' tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the'70s, where it's been shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, Bowel, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Be 10,000 times stronger in killing Pancreatic Cancercells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug. Selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

A plant screening program back in'76 by the National Cancer Institute also demonstrated that Graviola showed active cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Many researchers who have been following up on this research have also found that Graviola was a cancer killing turbine. The use of herbal products worldwide has been there almost since the time when man first walked on the earth, well for a few thousands of years at least. So, If you or your loved ones suffer from cancer, then I would recommend that you read the Graviola and Graviola Max article by the HSI in full here. It's mind blowing!

In addition to the above it has been shown that taking additional herbal products such as "Immune Support" to boost the immune system may be beneficial!

Graviola Max and Graviola, could they help you in the fight against Pancreatic Cancer? The answer it appears is yes, it can!

Health Disclaimer! The information provided here must NOT be taken as professional or personal medical advice or instruction. You should take NO action based solely on the contents of this article. The readers should always consult with an appropriate health professional on any matter relating to their personal health and well-being. The opinions given here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment and information available to the author at the time. But readers who fail to consult appropriate medical and health authorities "assume the risk of any injuries". The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. - 30285

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Nicotine Myth - Does Nicotine Really Cause Lung Cancer?

By Marc Riley

Does nicotine cause lung cancer? Although it is true that cigarettes cause lung cancer, people often mistakenly extend that fact to nicotine. Let's uncover the truth once and for all.

When you think of smoking, you think of lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of cancer above all others. Lung cancer alone kills more people every year than all other types of cancer combined. Cigarettes undeniably play a big part in it. But what makes cigarettes so deadly? Could it be the nicotine?

Nicotine exists naturally in the tobacco plant, and it can affect your nervous system. In low doses, nicotine relaxes the user. When higher doses are administered, it has stimulative effects on the person, making the person more alert or anxious. Nicotine is addictive and contributes to the overall difficulty in quitting cigarettes.

But the fact that nicotine is addictive doesn't make it carcinogenic (cancer causing). To date, no sound scientific research has been able to find that nicotine causes lung cancer or any other cancer. Furthermore, research has shown that nicotine by itself is not all that addictive. When people switch to nicotine gum and patches that only deliver nicotine, they find that nicotine dependency is far easier to wane than the cigarettes themselves.

If nicotine does not cause lung cancer, what does? It is actually the tobacco smoke. The smoke in cigarettes contains chemicals such as carbon monoxide, tar, and free radicals. These dangerous chemicals damage your lung tissues, which make them more susceptible to all kinds of infection. Worse yet, the damaged cells are more likely to turn cancerous and become life-threatening tumors.

In conclusion, nicotine does not cause lung cancer. This is the reason that nicotine gum and patches are allowed on the store shelves. Think about it, if nicotine was carcinogenic, would the FDA allow them to be sold as anti-smoking supplements? After all, it makes little sense to use a carcinogen to quit another. When you light up, it's the thousands of other chemicals in smoke, not the nicotine, that cause lung cancer. Cigarettes can kill you with their smoke, with or without nicotine. - 30285

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